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Jom Clorox-kan Minda dan Jiwa.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Helpful Hand works best than Hurtful Mouth.

Why did everyone love to judge others?
Because of nature? or is it because of habit that suddenly become a common thing in life yet if you failed to do so, you feel like you eat nothing today?

We have no power to do so.
We could give any advice.
But action speaks louder than word.

How did you conclude that chili sauce is spicy without tasting it?
How did you want to give an advice if you're failed to do your own "words" ?
Basically, as long as it is a good advice that reflect the right path of Islam, we should not abandoned it.
But never just giving criticism instead of guidance.
Be a helpful hand instead of be a hurtful mouth .

Terlalu ramai yang menjadi hakim tanpa diminta.
Terlalu ramai yang menjadi pengkritik tanpa dipelawa.
Terlalu sedikit yang menjadi teman yang setia.
Jarang sekali berjumpa teman yang membantu di saat susah senang mencari kebenaran dalam kehidupan.
Hanya satu yang kekal setia dengan kita. ALLAH.

Manusia datang dan pergi tanpa dipinta.
Allah kekal setia dengan kita.
Jangan bangga melaungkan kesetiaan dengan manusia jika kita lupa dengan kesetiaan kepada Allah.
Jangan ego menghebahkan keaiban orang hanya kerana Allah masih menolong menjaga keaiban kita.

*It takes a long journey to find yourself in the middle of life chaos. Everyone needs a similar recipe.
Anda memerlukan usaha berterusan dicampur dengan keyakinan kepada Allah disebatikan dengan doa kepada-Nya dan dipanaskan dengan keberanian untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik. Akhir sekali sentiasa dihidangkan bersama istiqamah dan redha. What a perfect recipe ever that sound easy but hard to make it? it takes a great courage to change from bad to good and to be a better person. First step could be hard but the next step you will find it more easier. Try to fix the basic and learning the advances. I still in a learning process. There is no ending. I have my own past with a black color of memory. I have my present painting that has various colors. I have my future painting with plain white color with not even a single black dot and hopes that there will be no black color.